In the early hours of February 12, 2008, I woke with painful contractions as if in labor. I had 4 to 6 of them 5 minutes apart. I crawled out of bed to see if I could walk it off. The baby had the hiccoughs and I checked to see where they were. They are normally down low close to my pubic bone. They were above my belly button. The baby had turned completely breech. I came out of my room & informed my husband that baby had turned breech & went into a knee to chest position. As I stayed for about 5 minutes then walked a little and repeated 3 times, my husband laid his hand on my head prayed for us & told the baby to obey and turn correctly. I felt better, baby had hiccoughs equal to my belly button & I decided that since the contractions had stopped and baby was mostly head down that I would go to bed. I sleep on my left side when pregnant. By the morning, when he had the hiccoughs again (yup, for most of the pregnancy) he was completely head down. I thanked the Lord and praised Jesus for answering our prayers!
I read on one Diane’s blog her story of how she ended up having a cesarean because she slept or sat in a half reclining position. She said that she wished someone would have told her. I really appreciated her telling her story, because it kept me from doing the same. (I had just begun to sleep like this, as it was more comfortable.)
Since we are unassisted homebirthers, we don’t really want to have to deliver a breech. I don’t rely on someone else’s knowledge to guide what will happen. I have learned to do my homework & learn ALL I can so I can make informed decisions!
There is a webpage that explains a lot more regarding baby’s position for birth. Go to Spinningbabies for more information.
I hope this will help someone else!
I have been doing a lot of reading on breech babies as there is a good chance Bethany will be. Spinning babies is a great resource! But prayer is better :-)
Yes, prayer is better, if you have faith.
"Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone."
"Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works."James 2:17-18
I pray the Lord will reveal this to you.
My 5th child who was born 2 1/2 yrs ago was breech. I knew something wasn't right about her position, but I just ignored it because I just didn't think I would ever have a breech baby. All of my previous babies were head down early on & stayed that way. I'm thinking she must have turned that way the last week of my pregnancy, but I'm not certain because things were busy & crazy at my house & I didn't go to a midwife appointment for the last 5 weeks of my pregnancy......I wasn't concerned, I felt okay & like I said didn't expect it.
When the midwife arrived to my home when I was in labor, she checked me & I was at 8cm & she discovered my breech baby.
The birth went well, although it was scary for me. My daughter was fine. The Lord took care of us & I knew he was present in our room that day. I wrote about it in the Spring Issue of Seasons at Home magazine.
So I don't have to repeat a breech birth....there are ways to avoid it?
If you go to the spinningbabies link on my sidebar, you'll find tons of information guiding you to not only put, but keep baby in the head down-your back facing position (LOA:Left Occiput Anterior), the optimum position for the easiest labor and birth. 2 of mine were headdown but posterior & after that back labor I was ready to see what I could do. I've read hundreds of birth stories, especially the unassisted and those painfree births. I've come very close & know that one day I will have a completely painfree birth!!
It seems as if they are revamping their site, but I left a comment, so hopefully it will be up with all the pictures & easier surfing again!!
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