Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Birth Story #5

Unassisted Home Birth #3
I have "prodromal labor" in other words, for me, I feel contractions for up to 3 months before labor, that are 5 to 10 mins apart for several hour at a time...but just come to pass. That's when I drink TONS (ok, 1/2 gallon) of Nettle/RedRaspberryLeaf Tea. So, when I went into labor, I thought it would go away. I couldn't 2 a.m. every 5 mins I would have a contraction and they kept waking me, though they didn't hurt, they just made me uncomfortable. I prayed, "God, if this isn't labor, please let it stop so I can sleep." It didn't stop. I got up and read, timed and waited. At 3 a.m. I knew it was time. I paced the floor and put off waking dh until 3:20, but decided it was time to have warm water on my tummy. Went to the shower, and I swung my hips (I've read that movements like bellydancing or hoola-hooping align the skeletal system and helps baby turn for birth.) and sang with an OPEN mouth, "O, I will bless the Lord at all times" . Everytime I had a contraction it was just alot of when you pick up something very heavy and feel it in your gut. It did NOT hurt at much so that I thought it was going to be a very long labor or it might even stop. When the hot water in the shower ran out, the pushing contractions hit. That usually lasts about 5 to 6 contractions (between 5 and 10 mins). I got out of the shower, dh rubbed lower back during a few contractions, I instinctively put my left foot on the toilet-a contraction hit-I went to falsetto-waters broke-another contraction and #1 is knocking on the door to go potty as dh is telling her to wait because Mama is having the baby. Another contraction while dh stepped out-he comes back to tell me "there's a head" I wanted to be annoyed but was almost laughing, as if I didn't know-one more contraction (knowing this could be done now) at 4:20, October 25th she was born. The afterbirth came in about 10-15 mins. My real pain begins afterwards, ummm...afterpains. I don't use any painkillers, but MSM and Calcium and drink lotsa Nettle/RedRaspberryLeaf Tea.
I found that trusting God to be true:
"By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee." Psalms 71:6
"Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God." Isaiah 66:9


Swylv said...

that scripture from Isaiah I am claiming that means HE will use my womb again. I have one son and have been beseeching YHWH for many more since June 2002...HE has brought forth one precious child and I take this to mean HE will not shut the womb.

runningtothecross said...

That "pregnancy tea" really works!!! I used it with my fifth child and had no pain!!! I had bronchitis at the time and I coughed her out!!! That was my last hospital birth and I had my sixth baby at pain, but what do you do when you don't feel the urge to push? My seventh baby is expected to arrive around the first week of September and I WANT to have the urge to push.

BTW, thanks for visiting my blog! I just got my computer working crashed and we had to replace the hard drive. I will be adding your to my list of blogs I visit soon!

Have a blessed week!

Anonymous said...

I drank pregancy tea as well with my last two only homebirths. The first homebirth was so easy! The second was breech & a little more painful but also very straight foward. I also had chiropractic care during both. I guess had I known my baby was breech before hand, the chiropractor could have helped with that : )
I like the thought of an unassisted homebirth. Our last 2 births have been homebirths that we waited as long as possbile before we called the midwife. I enjoy the privacy but my husband wouldn't want to do it that way if he could help it.

Nina said...

What a wonderful birth story. How amazing home birth is! If only everyone would trust in the Lord and see that He created us to birth so naturally. I "stumbled" upon your blog and am very grateful that I did. I look forward to reading more!

Nina said...

Oh yes, what I had originally intended to post was this:
I had the same thing happen in my pregnancies. The first time the dr. said I was in pre-term labor because of preeclampsia and induced me a month earlier. The second time, same thing, only he induced me a week early. My last baby, he was going to do the same thing so I switched to a midwife (thank God for leading me that way!) Sure enough, at the beginning of my third trimester the regular contractions began like clockwork. I was dilated to 6 cm by the time I went into real labor a few days before my due date. It was 2 1/2 hours start to finish, with 5 min of pushing. The best birth experience ever!!