Sunday, February 1, 2009

Early Pregnancy and "Morning Sickness"

Some have it in the morning, or the midday or the evening. Others have it all day long. Why is it that women have this nauseousness that turns their world inside out when it should be the beginnings of joy for this new life inside?

I, too, have been sick, but having not thrown up except once with each girl (that's 3 times for 7 pregnancies UPDATED JUNE 2009: still only 3 times for 8 pregnancies), I think I may have an answer for you.

1. Eating a better diet will supply nutrients needed. You're newly pregnant body needs 75 to 100 grams of protein per day.

Not in cheese or milk only, or even steaks, but in even complex carbohydrates like beans. I personally cannot eat that much beef or even think of cooking that many meals when I feel nauseous. Here's a quick list of protein that you can use:

~Tuna Salad Sandwiches
~Tuna with a Salad

~There are about a zillion recipes and ideas online, I think I can skip here

~Topping for a baked potatoe

Peanut Butter
~Mixed with honey and oats as a frozen cookie

~Burritos (which have been on my mind lately)
~3 Bean Salad (or 5 or more varieties)

~Walnuts (high in protein and Omega-3 essential fatty acids)
~Brazil Nuts (high in essential selenium)

These are just a very few suggestions, since I'm drawing a blank.

2. Another missing nutrient is B6. It is essential in protein metabolism. If you do not supplement, it is highly unlikely that you getting enough from your foods.

Also, if you do not take a bioavailable iron suppliment, then you are risking problems up to and including convulsions.

Here are a few:
~Dried Apricots, Prunes and Raisins (listed in effective order)
~Organic Black Strap Molasses

Molasses is also high in B12, B6 and B1 as well as Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium. Very good for an expectant mother!

Doing these two things I've almost completely wiped out the "all day" sickness for me. It's not good genes or genetics or that I am something special, it's that I've done the research and have found the answer so I don't have to throw up or be nauseous during my first 2 trimesters. I also eat every 2 hours almost around the clock. Some days when I feel bad, I may have waited too long and gone 3 hours without eating, but I don't make that mistake often. I hate feeling nauseous or even worse throwing up! I HATE it!!

So, if you want to try not being sick, you can do these simple, simple things. Or you can rest in the fact that you're just pregnant like any woman and it's something you must "suffer" through, like labor pains-but that's for another article at another time!