Sunday, December 30, 2007

Birth Story's Comparisons

Child #/Weight/Length
*Date/Time Latent & Active *Transition/Pushing & Birth *Date/Time Delivery

*Afterbirth **Where Birth ***Attending

#1 - F 6 lbs 15 oz , 19 1/2"
*7.20.01 7:00 p.m. *???(pushed for 21 hours)??? *7.21.01 1:20 p.m

*transferred/surgery at 7p.m. **at home ***4 midwives
**"dry land" ***my husband

#2 - M 8 lbs, 20"
*11.7.02 approx. 2 p.m. *??? ??? *11.7.01 6:40 p.m.

*immediately after birth (5 mins.) **hospital ***CNM & 2-4 nurses
*I think midwife pulled it **"tub/water" ***my husband & #1

#3 - M 9 lbs 4 oz, 21"
*6.15.04 11:00 p.m. *20 mins. *6.16.04 1:05 a.m.

*20 mins. **at home ***my husband
**"dry land" ***#1 & #2 awake

#4 - F 8 lbs 2 oz, 20"
*9.9.05 10:20 p.m. *15 mins. *9.10.05 1:00 a.m.

*5 mins. **at home ***my husband
**pool/water" ***# 1 & #3 awake

#5 - F 8 lbs 3 oz, 20 1/2"
*10.25.06 3:20 a.m. *3-5 mins. *10.25.06 4:20 a.m.

*5-10 mins. **at home ***my husband
**"dry land" ***#1 (then all awake)

*My children DO NOT attend the birth. They are nearby and may be during actual delivery, but modesty is maintained!!

**When I have all birth stories posted, I will link for more information.

(~ I tried aligning, but it won't! :( )

Sunday, December 16, 2007

What Are Your Thoughts?

Are there any topics - related to this site - that you'd like me to write about?

Leave a comment!

If you'd like to share an experience or a what-to-do, let me know, if appropriate, I will at least link to your site.

Waking Up

I think I've made it through. I am just amazed at how my body shuts down critical function in the first trimester. Though I've learned and have beaten the morning sickness in the last 7 pregnancies, I've had to work hard to remember, while in the throws of evening sickness, what to do to beat the nausea, fatigue and general brain fog. I have found others that have written out the information or sites (links given here for varicose vein info, but they have lots more) that give herb safety lists and now know (for myself and my body, my regime) what to do. I am just so thankful when this time comes around. Almost 6 months until I actually feel normal, with a volleyball under my shirt. Then I only have 3-4 more months as the volleyball grows to almost beachball size and I'm waddling from the inconvenient pelvic expansion, but putting that all aside I usually feel great, have too much backlogged work and so begins "nesting". I push myself knowing that once I have the baby I will be out again for at least 2 weeks-closer to 2 months before everything starts going through spring cleaning again, no matter the season! So, you can see what I've been doing on my other sites, but more importantly, if you, too, are expecting, there is a time when things seem to get back on track. Look forward, not back, and keep taking care of yourself and your precious baby!!

I find that I skip the sites that do not have personal knowledge or are not trained in herbs and natural healing. I know that is a broad spectrum as well, since, for example, there are many great sites/people that advocate the use of castor oil to initiate labor. There are other herbs that I would not use to initiate labor, either. Remember there are those who say Red Raspberry Leaf and Nettle Leaf are not to be taken during pregnancy and then advocate the use of medications instead of healthy living, eating and that's straight bologna!! SO, inform YOURSELF! It's your body, your baby, your health - that's ultimately YOUR CHOICE and your responsibility!!
*please leave your thoughts and comments.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Links, Blogs and General Information

I am updating my list of links. I have so many that I have accumulated, that it will take a while to put them up and organize them!!
The links are for women, not some may have pictures of bellies and some have their own "graphic content" information. (it's not usually on the opening page.)
I have gathered SOOO much from these sites, from what to do if... to fetal positioning, which immensly helped in my #5's delivery (#3 and #4 were sunny-side up, and it made it more painful as they turned, etc.).
I do not agree 100% with everything in every site, but it they are the sites I look up when I need information.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


"He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;
And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart."

Psalms 104:14-15

I find this verse to be as calming as chamomile or lavender; as sweet as basil and as "fiery" as garlic. I finished a batch of whole wheat (with millet and flax and oats) bread today and have been looking at teas (herbal) for my malady. I have varicose veins that are, shall we say, bad. I seem to re-look up herb safety for my different situations:

1. regular me

2. pregnant me

3. nursing

4. pregnant and nursing

I like to read many, many opinions and facts. After I've gathered my information, then I factor in my own body and its needs and come to a conclusion. I need to take/drink many herbs for my health. I am seeing the benefits of a good milk supply (fennel, oat straw, red clover in particular) and the benefits of iron rich nettle. Calming effects of chamomile and lavender and the stomach-soothing effects of ginger.

Right now I am looking (for my veins) into Horse Chestnut and Butcher's Broom. I have such wonderful results with teas, moreso than with supplements. I guess I'm just looking for the tea to take away my veins, LOL. I have been exercising (need to walk more), eating right, taking supplements, drinking teas (always need more) and therefore have been a more peaceful mama.

Basically, I wanted to share this link I found (in my list, but hidden in the strange way I outline). It has a mountain of information under "Tri-Light Pregnancy Formula Guide". It has information on herbs appropriate for 1. Infertility 2.Early Miscarriage 3.Labor 4. After Labor "things" 5.Nursing and that's just to name a few!!

I hope this helps someone and let me know, too!! I just love comments!! :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Review and Thoughts

I will be adding my birth stories as soon as I find them. I already see that there is a bit of information missing from the one I posted. We'll see what will be pertinent to add. As far as no urge to push, Running to the Cross, I found that there is where I have no problem, so the only thing I can think it might be is your position. Letting gravity help you by standing or walking would benefit. Possibly deep squats. Also you might be a bit dehydrated by that time. If you have someone helping, then they can remember for you to have diluted juice, more herb tea or just plain water with a little salt. Only sea salt or "Real Salt" to replenish minerals.

I read an article about 6 years ago called "Waiting to Push". It said that women who didn't push were more relaxed and baby was also. I am reminded of the verse that encourages me,

"By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee." Psalm 71:6

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Birth Story #5

Unassisted Home Birth #3
I have "prodromal labor" in other words, for me, I feel contractions for up to 3 months before labor, that are 5 to 10 mins apart for several hour at a time...but just come to pass. That's when I drink TONS (ok, 1/2 gallon) of Nettle/RedRaspberryLeaf Tea. So, when I went into labor, I thought it would go away. I couldn't 2 a.m. every 5 mins I would have a contraction and they kept waking me, though they didn't hurt, they just made me uncomfortable. I prayed, "God, if this isn't labor, please let it stop so I can sleep." It didn't stop. I got up and read, timed and waited. At 3 a.m. I knew it was time. I paced the floor and put off waking dh until 3:20, but decided it was time to have warm water on my tummy. Went to the shower, and I swung my hips (I've read that movements like bellydancing or hoola-hooping align the skeletal system and helps baby turn for birth.) and sang with an OPEN mouth, "O, I will bless the Lord at all times" . Everytime I had a contraction it was just alot of when you pick up something very heavy and feel it in your gut. It did NOT hurt at much so that I thought it was going to be a very long labor or it might even stop. When the hot water in the shower ran out, the pushing contractions hit. That usually lasts about 5 to 6 contractions (between 5 and 10 mins). I got out of the shower, dh rubbed lower back during a few contractions, I instinctively put my left foot on the toilet-a contraction hit-I went to falsetto-waters broke-another contraction and #1 is knocking on the door to go potty as dh is telling her to wait because Mama is having the baby. Another contraction while dh stepped out-he comes back to tell me "there's a head" I wanted to be annoyed but was almost laughing, as if I didn't know-one more contraction (knowing this could be done now) at 4:20, October 25th she was born. The afterbirth came in about 10-15 mins. My real pain begins afterwards, ummm...afterpains. I don't use any painkillers, but MSM and Calcium and drink lotsa Nettle/RedRaspberryLeaf Tea.
I found that trusting God to be true:
"By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee." Psalms 71:6
"Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God." Isaiah 66:9

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Just getting started

I hope to be posting my birth stories and the zillion things I've learned with each child. My goal is to help others even if it may only be in the smallest way!